Online Writing Workshop
Event Details Are you willing to share your expertise and want some help getting the word out?
Join us on March 5th, 7th and 11th from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm on-line for a Writing Workshop taught by Daniel Heaton from Nordberg| Dinicholo and A.J. Jahanian from Beaumont Tashjian and the Editor of the Chapter magazine.
We will explore:
Relevant topics to write about Structuring a successful article Identifying your audience Techniques to keep your message focused How to make an opening paragraph compelling How to create the best title for your piece Creating your byline And more! Agenda Day 1 (March 5, 2024) 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Session 1
A.J. Jahanian Beaumont Tashjian Day 3 (March 7, 2024) 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Session 2
A.J. Jahanian Beaumont Tashjian Day 7 (March 11, 2024) 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Session 3
A.J. Jahanian Beaumont Tashjian Speakers DH Daniel Heaton Nordberg|DeNichilo, LLP AJ A.J. Jahanian Beaumont Tashjian
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